Gabriel Boyd


University of Virginia, United States


Kia Ora!

My name’s Gabriel, and for the next semester, you’ll have the pleasure of following me and
all of my crazy adventures at the University of Virginia!

But first: who am I? I’m a third-year arts student majoring in psychology, political science
and communication. I love hip-hop music, Italian food and any sport with a ball. Outdoors is
where I’m home; if I had it my way, I would spend a quarter of my life at the beach.

But here’s the weird bit about me: I’m an American going to the United States on exchange.
As a kid, I dreamt of the American College experience- massive football games, greek life
and a goofy mascot that we don on our T-shirts and jackets. While I love UoA, and coming to
New Zealand has been the best decision I’ve ever made, I still want to get a small taste of
what I craved so badly when I was younger. I plan to do a fair amount of travel around the
United States, and will keep you all updated on my blog 🙂

Thanks for your time, and I can’t wait to represent the UoA community in Cavalier territory.


  • Once a Hoo, always a Hoo

    What an amazing semester! I can’t put into words how special the University of Virginia is. The sprawling grounds are stunning, the fall foliage is breathtaking, and the students are all so welcoming. Having the privilege of getting to study at this school was something I’ll cherish for a long time. My last month and…Continue…

  • Halfway Through UVA

    Well we’re halfway through the exchange and I can honestly say that it hasn’t slowed down one bit! I’ve done more than I thought possible in my eight weeks here and am looking forward to so much more! Apologies in advance for how scattered this post is going to be, I have so much to…Continue…

  • Meet Your Newest Cavalier

    Howdy, y’all! Gabriel here, and after my first two weeks at the University of Virginia, I have so much to report back on! I’m on exchange with my best friend Brodie, so you’ll undoubtedly hear that name a lot. We arrived on August 20, and I immediately fell in love with the campus. In America,…Continue…