Finley Harrison

Finley Harrison

Prime Minister’s Scholarship for Asia, Chinese Language Study Abroad


Hey! I’m Finley, a fourth year UoA student from Whanganui. I study Law, Politics and Chinese language but over this summer I’m in Taiwan primarily to practice my Chinese at NCKU. I hope you enjoy my blog about the aspects of Tainan life that intrigue me and may be useful to others who wish to do this in the future. Thanks!

  • Cultural classes in Tainan

    We’re nearing the end of our time in Tainan; less than ten days left. It feels bittersweet. We look forward to seeing our families, but we’ve become accustomed to living here, and we’ve all felt very welcomed. I will miss Tainan when I’m back in Auckland.  The Chinese language centre at Cheung Kong University has…Continue…

  • Classes and Chòu dòufu in Tainan

    We’ve had classes now for the last two weeks. Whilst I was nervous at first, full immersion classes aren’t as tricky as you’d think and it surprises you how much you know in a controlled environment like the classroom where the pace of conversation is much slower than real life.  I’m in the 8 am…Continue…

  • Arrival in Tainan

    One of the first things we did in Taiwan was visit a Japanese department store called Hayashi. It’s one week on and I’m back here again, sitting in a café on the top floor, thinking about my time here so far. The hotel that we stayed in for the first week was right in the…Continue…