Maria O’Connell

Maria O’Connell

Prime Minister’s Scholarship for Latin America, Social Realities in Mexico


Hey! My name is Maria, and I am from Beachlands, Auckland. I am currently a student studying at the University of Auckland. I am doing a Bachelor’s in Global Studies, majoring in Human Rights, Politics and Spanish. I also do a conjoint with a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Psychology and Criminology. 

I applied for this amazing opportunity as it gives me a chance to see the world in a completely different sphere in terms of economy, society and culture. This programme not only aligns with my chosen degree (Human Rights, Spanish) but career aspirations, in which I want to save victims who have been human trafficked. With Latin America holding high human trafficking rates, it is important for me to understand their lifestyle in order to provide empathy for future clients.

I am looking forward to learning about their indigenous cultural practices and seeing how they perceive the world through a Latin American lens.

  • “Freedom is not a Privilege”

    Our second week’s topic was Migration, involving challenges asylum seekers and refugees. For our weekly NGO visit, we went to ‘La Casa de Refugiados.’ This non-governmental organization works alongside helping those seeking asylum and reintegration into their home country.  Our conversation began with what reminded us of peace and violence. An interesting cultural difference noted by…Continue…

  • The Realities and Beauties of Mexico

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  • Bienvenido a Mexico

    Our programme began with a long 12 hour flight to the City of Lost Angels. Unfortunately during our departure from Los Angeles, we did in fact lose some of our angels along the way. Due to our delayed flight, being the last people to receive our checked bags, and the massive lines for L.A security,…Continue…