Sarah Skillen Roger Wallace

Sarah Skillen Roger Wallace

Prime Minister’s Scholarship for Asia, Reimagining India with IndoGenius


Kia ora and Namaskar, I’m Sarah, an architecture student with a passion to become a global citizen.

I’ve always been fascinated by the diverse cultures of the world and how architecture reflects the language of the land. I can’t wait to immerse myself in this journey to Reimagine India, expand my horizons, and bring back valuable experiences to share with everyone.

Stay tuned as I embark on this exciting journey, and don’t forget to follow along as I share my adventures, insights, and discoveries right here on this platform.

Let’s explore the world together!

  • A Transformative Journey Through India

    As I sit down to reflect on the whirlwind of experiences that encompassed our six-week journey through India, I’m overwhelmed by a flood of memories, emotions, and profound realisations. From the bustling streets of Chennai to the serene banks of the Ganges in Rishikesh, each destination left an indelible mark on my soul, shaping my…Continue…

  • Exploring Spiritual Diversity in Dev Bhoomi

    My visit to Rishikesh, nestled in the foothills of the Himalayas, was a profound exploration of spirituality in its myriad forms. From witnessing the sacred rituals of Ganga aarti and havan to immersing myself in the rich biodiversity of the region, each experience offered a glimpse into the tapestry of spiritual traditions that converge in…Continue…

  • Hampi and Mumbai: Echoes Across Eras

    As I roamed the ancient ruins of Hampi, Karnataka, a thought struck me—an intriguing parallel between the architectural marvels of this historical city and the bustling metropolis of Mumbai. While they exist in distinct times and serve varied purposes, the echoes of urbanism, trade, and cultural dynamism bridge the temporal gap between Hampi’s Vijayanagara Empire…Continue…