Tiana Willis-Baker

Tiana Willis-Baker

Prime Minister’s Scholarship for Asia, Reimagining India with IndoGenius


Talofa lava! Malo Ni!

My name is Tiana Willis-Baker and I’m from Saina, Tuana’i, Vailoa Palauli and Fakaofo. I am currently in my penultimate year of study towards a BA/LLB conjoint, majoring in Pacific Studies at the University of Auckland. Outside of uni, I enjoy spending quality time with friends and family, chasing sunsets and woding (dying lol) at Overflow CrossFit.

I am incredibly grateful to be given the opportunity to experience India in such a rich and authentic way through the IndoGenius programme. I hope to gain insight into the intersections between India’s legal framework and indigenous knowledges and practices.

I’m excited about this journey of discovery and eagerly anticipate the knowledge, diverse perspectives, and personal growth that it will bring. I can’t wait to share this enriching experience with all of you!

Fa’afetai tele lava,


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