Faith (Sem 2, 2022)

My Exchange at The University of Wollongong

I found out about the 360 International exchange programme through another friend who was studying abroad as an exchange student from UOA. As this was a really big step out of my comfort zone I decided to study in Australia, somewhere closer to home and less foreign.

Although the culture and the environment in Australia is pretty similar to New Zealand, it was still so memorable and I think I was still able to grow so much through this short experience. It was still overwhelming arriving in Sydney where the city is a lot bigger than Auckland, but down in Wollongong (which was where my university was at) was very much like North Shore.

University of Wollongong focused a lot on group activities and working with other students, which allowed me to spend a lot of time with other students outside of tutorial and lecture hours.

I think the highlight of spending time in NSW was the surfing, which many universities here have camps for. Being an exchange student also meant that you get to become friends with all the other exchange students from around the world. There actually weren’t that many challenges as there was no culture shock or language barrier but the rent for the dorms were quite pricey – 340AUD for a week (excluding food), which the student allowance and living loan was not able to cover. It was lucky that I had saved up a lot before my trip, but I think that is one thing I would have liked to be more prepared for.


What were some of the highlights of the academic experience at your host university?

I think the highlight was that all the classes were very interactive and practical. We were assigned into groups and was working with the same peers for the entire semester, which allowed us to get closer with people studying the same degree as us.

Would you recommend any particular activity/activities unique to your host country or university?

I think the most memorable activity was surfing. University of Wollongong as well as other universities in Australia promote surf camps a lot so I decided to try it out. It is one of the best ways to make new friends (especially other exchange students).

What are your top 3 tips for future students attending your host university or going on exchange to your host country?

Australia is just a bigger version of New Zealand so think of it like home and try to explore lots 🙂

Be careful with the currency because its a lot easier to spend more money than you expect when you convert it!

Take lots of photos because thats all you will have left.

What are your most significant takeaways from your experience abroad?

Being stuck in New Zealand with the same people since birth, it was a really different and nice experience to spend time abroad with new people and new environments. Especially if you are comfortable with the life you have in New Zealand such as living with family, it allows you to grow as a person and take care of yourself, find your way around places you are not familiar with. I think I became a much more confident person through this exchange and everyone should experience this.


Tags: 2022, Engineering, Report