Kaiyang (Sem 2, 2023)

My Exchange at The University of Nottingham at Ningbo

I discovered the 360 International exchange program through recommendations from friends. Intrigued, I delved into the details by exploring the official website. The wealth of information provided there not only broadened my understanding of the program but also fueled my enthusiasm to participate. Learning about diverse exchange opportunities, cultural immersion, and academic experiences has sparked my interest in this exciting venture. I am now eagerly considering the possibilities and envisioning how this exchange could shape my personal and academic growth. The insights gained from both friends and the official platform have been instrumental in shaping my decision to explore the enriching prospects offered by the 360 International exchange programs.

In my exchange experience at a university located in my own country, Ningbo has emerged as a unique city. While it may not boast an abundance of tourist attractions, the diversity in its culinary scene adds a distinctive flavor to my stay. Exploring the numerous restaurants, each offering a different culinary experience, has been a delightful journey.

As for the University of Nottingham Ningbo (UNNC), my initial impressions were quite intriguing. Unlike the conventional image of a university, UNNC felt more like a vibrant living community. The accommodations, featuring single beds, were a pleasant surprise. Many of my Chinese friends had shared stories of dormitories with multiple occupants, making my experience at UNNC stand out. The provision of single-bed rooms not only provided comfort but also created a sense of familiarity, reminiscent of home.

The atmosphere at UNNC has made the transition from my home university seamless. The welcoming environment and the community spirit fostered by the university have played a crucial role in making me feel at ease. It’s not just an academic institution; it’s a place that exudes a homely atmosphere, making my exchange journey a truly enriching and comfortable experience.

UNNC, akin to UOA, organizes an iweek, a period of exciting orientation activities. Led by mentors, we explore the campus, discover clubs, and engage in the lively 100 Group Games. Each day is filled with diverse activities, enhancing our university experience, and fostering a sense of community.

At UNNC, the educational approach involves English instruction, with a notable difference from UOA. Unlike UOA, where quizzes and assessments contribute to the total score, UNNC typically relies on the final exam for most courses, while some incorporate coursework for 30% of the total score. 

Interestingly, a majority of the instructors I encountered at UNNC were Chinese. The language barrier is alleviated by the flexibility to seek clarification from teachers in Chinese after class, enhancing our comprehension. This unique feature provides a supportive learning environment, ensuring that students can grasp the material effectively.

Living in Ningbo, China, presents a significant advantage in terms of cost compared to Auckland. The exchange rate of RMB to New Zealand dollar, approximately 1:5, makes daily expenses notably more affordable. For instance, a dinner at UNNC costs around 15RMB, while in downtown Ningbo, it’s only 50RMB. In contrast, a dinner in Auckland can cost 40NZD.

Additionally, the convenience of express delivery in China adds to the cost-effectiveness. Shopping is streamlined – orders placed through mobile phones are swiftly delivered within 2 to 3 days. For urgent needs, a mobile order can even arrive in just 1 hour, all without incurring extra charges. This efficiency not only saves time but also proves to be more economical than traditional in-store purchases. The combination of lower living costs and the efficiency of services contributes to a more budget-friendly and convenient lifestyle in Ningbo.

I did not participate in any extracurricular activities. I only participated in the Mid-Autumn Festival celebration for international students held by UNNC Business School once, where we not only learned about the origin of the Mid-Autumn Festival, but also made our own mooncakes. And on the day of Mid-Autumn Festival, we also received mooncakes made by UNNC.

Frequenting UNNC’s second canteen for the delectable braised chicken rice, relishing the delightful spiral rice noodles in the third canteen, savoring the flavors of roasted rice in the fourth canteen, and indulging in the refreshing fruits at Dongcheng Canteen—all these culinary delights have become regular and enjoyable aspects of my dining experience.

Throughout my exchange, I took the initiative to organize and successfully execute several activities, contributing to a vibrant campus life. However, a notable challenge was the assessment structure, where the results solely depended on the final exam. This aspect left me somewhat perplexed, as it differed from what I was accustomed to. Despite this challenge, navigating through the unique evaluation system became a part of the learning experience, fostering adaptability and resilience during my exchange journey.

I would recommend considering UNNC if you seek a campus life distinct from UOA. The variety of food options, ranging from braised chicken rice to spiral rice noodles and roasted rice, makes dining at UNNC a delightful experience. The sense of collective living is fostered through diverse activities, such as the Mid-Autumn Festival celebration and the introduction of a zoo on campus during the final month.

While sleeping alone may feel lonely, the advantage lies in the flexibility it offers during the exam season. Reviewing in the dormitory or opting for campus takeout when not in the mood for the canteen’s offerings provides convenience. UNNC, with its unique blend of cultural events, diverse cuisine, and adaptable living arrangements, offers a distinct and enriching alternative for those seeking a different and vibrant university experience.


What were some of the highlights of the academic experience at your host university?

My experience in taking a Korean course at UNNC, a mandatory course for international communication majors, was particularly enriching. The course not only facilitated my understanding of basic Korean communication but also involved interaction with native Korean speakers. The Korean teacher actively arranged sessions where Koreans from UNNC engaged with us in Korean, fostering a practical and immersive language learning experience. This approach not only enhances language skills but also promotes cultural exchange, making the education at UNNC a holistic and immersive experience.

Would you recommend any particular activity/activities unique to your host country or university?

Explore the vibrant campus life at UNNC by taking part in exciting events such as the Color Run, joining the spirited Hundred Regiments Campaign, and indulging in UNNC’s free food activities.

What are your top 3 tips for future students attending your host university or going on exchange to your host country?

1. It’s essential to learn how to pay using Alipay or WeChat in China. Cash transactions are not commonly accepted when you go out, so mastering mobile payment methods is crucial.

2. Embrace the joy of online shopping by learning the ropes—it’s an enjoyable experience!

3. Master the art of ordering take-out in China, where food, daily necessities, and drinks can be swiftly delivered to your school, adding convenience to your daily life.

How much did you budget for your exchange? Was this enough? Were there any lessons learned that would help future students budget for their own exchange?

During my four-month exchange, my budget was set at 3000RMB per month. Surprisingly, I managed to spend only 1500RMB monthly, even accounting for shopping downtown.

What are your most significant takeaways from your experience abroad?

My exchange experience granted me insights into diverse lifestyles across regions. Forming friendships with people from various countries, I had the chance to introduce Chinese cuisine to my foreign friends and engage in language exchanges—practicing Korean with Korean friends and conversing with Chinese friends. This cultural interchange not only broadened my perspective on global living but also enriched my social circle with a tapestry of unique and meaningful connections.

Do you want to share anything about travels you did outside your host city/country?

Throughout those months at UNNC, I explored nearly all the cities around Ningbo, immersing myself in diverse cultures and savoring a variety of cuisines. This enriching journey allowed me to witness the uniqueness each place offered, contributing to a broader cultural understanding and a tapestry of memorable experiences.


Tags: 2023, Accounting/Finance, Business, Economics, Language and Cultural Studies, Report