Siyu (Sem 2, 2023)

My Exchange at The University of New South Wales

My roommate recommended the 360 International exchange program to me, and as I am interested in Australia, I chose to go on exchange to the University of New South Wales (UNSW). Upon arriving in Sydney, my first impression is that the city is truly vibrant. Since I live in Sydney’s Town Hall area, the surroundings are lively, with many shops still open even at ten o’clock at night. Unlike the city center, UNSW is located in Kingston, a suburban area that is very quiet, and there are many delicious restaurants around.

UNSW’s O-Week features many clubs recruiting new members, and the most interesting part is that one club even brought an armored vehicle to attract everyone’s attention. Compared to Auckland, Sydney has a higher cost of living, especially when it comes to rent, but the bustling city offers a variety of delicious foods and desserts.

UNSW has three semesters in a year, and due to the shorter duration of each semester, the academic workload piles up. Therefore, the study pressure is particularly high. I recommend that those coming on exchange choose some simpler courses because the adjustment to a new environment can significantly impact one’s learning state.


What were some of the highlights of the academic experience at your host university?

I studied media for the first time at the University of New South Wales, and it was my first experience using highly professional cameras. It was a very interesting experience.

Would you recommend any particular activity/activities unique to your host country or university?

I participated in orientation week, where I received many interesting items and took part in various lottery games. I even got free gelato.

What are your top 3 tips for future students attending your host university or going on exchange to your host country?

  1. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself.
  2. Allocate some time to explore other cities.
  3. Make more friends.

How much did you budget for your exchange? Was this enough? Were there any lessons learned that would help future students budget for their own exchange?

I spent 15,000 AUD because my rent is a bit high, so accommodation expenses are relatively significant.

What are your most significant takeaways from your experience abroad?

I made a lot of friends, learned about the study methods of other schools, and gained a clear plan for my postgraduate study direction.


Tags: 2023, Applied Sciences, Psychology, Report