National University of Singapore, Singapore

National University of Singapore

About The National University of Singapore, Singapore

The National University of Singapore is located in Singapore.

University of Auckland students may apply to spend a semester or two to study on exchange at NUS through the 360 International Semester Exchange programme. Visit the 360 International website for more information on how to get started on your own exchange journey. Be sure to also visit the partner programme page in the University of Auckland Learning Abroad Portal.

  • James (Sem 2, 2023)

    My Exchange at The National University of Singapore I discovered the 360 International team through prospects of exchange opportunities whilst scrolling through social media. I initially did not think much about it and continued my week as usual, however as the days go by I begin to think more about it and contemplate the possibility…Continue…

  • Yuchen (Sem 2, 2023)

    My Exchange at The University of Singapore Through the experiences of people who had already taken part, I was introduced to the 360 International Exchange Programme. I made the decision to start this academic journey and investigate the opportunities the program offered outside of my own college after learning about its potential to be a…Continue…

  • Ayaan (Sem 1, 2023)

    My Exchange at The National University of Singapore In my first year at university, having been somewhat plagued by the pandemic, I met a few students who spoke really highly of having gone to a student exchange program with 360. I decided I had to look into it at the very least given a student…Continue…

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