First Week: Rush Of Emotions

Hyderabad to Mumbai Flight

Boarding into the flight alone had me thinking. The moment I’ve been waiting for months has finally arrived; it made me feel excited to work as an intern and experience many new things. But at the same time, I felt nervous about adjusting to the unfamiliar environment and being apart from my family. The biggest concern was that I would miss home and get sick. Instead, I found the people in Mumbai quite comforting and friendly. The quick fix to missing home was always having a balanced life and ensuring to stay in touch with them. In this modern era of face time, where everyone was just a call away, I ensured to call my family in the morning and constantly keep in touch via texts.

My accommodation and my room felt comforting. The room had a good view, although I felt lonely as soon as I heard that the rest of the group would be coming two days later. A main road view made it less lonely as I could still see many people and what was happening around me. The staff was amicable and helpful. They used to check on me and take care of any necessities constantly.

The two days, apart from the group, gave me time to explore the city and catch up with my childhood mate. I was learning about some significant landmarks and getting some thriving tips. I loved how South Mumbai was built around the natural heritage. It’s so beautiful and extraordinary because the entire city is made in a way where it proudly showcases ancient architecture.

Overall, I felt a rush of mixed emotions. Emotions were both positive and boosting, and some made me feel overwhelmed. Yet, remember that this is just the first week and good things take time. I can’t wait to see what this city has in store for me—signing off till next time with much love.


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