Speed Dating Among Other Things

Over the next 6 weeks the 2024 Reimagining India Study Tour will spend approximately 714 hours together. In the intricate dance of our 714-hour rendezvous through India, each moment unfolds like a chapter in a whirlwind romance. I see our journey as like that of a rapid-paced speed dating session and has allowed friendships to grow amidst a multitude of diverse landscapes. From Aotearoa to Chennai, Pondicherry and Coimbatore, we are constantly driving to learn as much as possible. 

 Of these vital 714 hours we have currently experienced 119 of them. As I reflect on the initial 119 hours, they’ve certainly been immersive experiences – from navigating the Singapore airport at 4am home time to exploring the cultural puzzle that is post-French occupation Pondicherry and feeling the passion of small businesses like Upasana and Solitude farm within Auroville. 

Yet, amid the lively laughter, the quiet snoring, and the questionable karaoke that has echoed through our day trips and the long 10-hour bus journey across southern India, there also exists a more contemplative and difficult undertone. An undertone that includes the sobering realization of 12,000 kilometres that now separate me from my whānau and whenua, the extreme discomfort I feel in temples and spiritual spaces, and the continuous sensory overload. The journey is not solely one of joyous camaraderie but also an introspective exploration into the nuanced facets of distance, discomfort, and of cultural encounters.

Navigating the swift momentum of this journey returns me to the feeling of speed dating – a rapid succession of encounters that reach beyond mere introductions. It has become apparent that I am not merely participating in a swift encounter with India but rather an immersive dance with the rich tapestry of culture and heartfelt people in this country. With each step my own thoughts echo, compelling introspection, continually challenged and sculpted by the diverse encounters with unfamiliar landscapes and compelling narratives. The concept of speed dating has evolved, now seeking profound engagement that looks beyond surface level into a deeper exploration of not only this land but of profound self-discovery. 

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