Unveiling India and Myself: A Transformative Journey of Growth and Gratitude

Babu’s Cafe; Mahabalipuram.

Stepping off the plane in Chennai, India, the overwhelming heat set the stage for an adventure that would redefine my outlook on life. For me, this wasn’t just an ordinary trip; it was a life-changing six weeks under the Prime Minister’s Scholarship for Asia 2024, revealing the beauty of India and, unexpectedly, the beauty within myself. What an amazing discovery!

The initial shock of India’s intensity—the noise, the population, the unfamiliarity—was disorienting, a cultural shock I hadn’t anticipated. Yet, within this discomfort emerged a journey that reshaped my perspectives. Recalling the very first day in India, as we stopped for lunch, I was unexpectedly hit by a wave of overwhelming emotions—the intensity of being in a new country and the unfamiliarity of every sight provoked a panic attack. In that moment, the impulse to retreat, to escape and return to the familiar comfort of home was very overpowering. However, I am glad that I decided to stay. What initially felt like an insurmountable challenge became a transformative journey, increasing my resilience and eventual gratitude for having stayed.

That’s not to say that the remainder of my six weeks weren’t without their challenges, either. Navigating age and personality differences within my travel group at times was rather challenging, as was being away from my children and fiancé. I found myself homesick at times and wanting to return home. Culture shock was at times a struggle too. What I know, however, is that from any discomfort and with the support of the incredible IndoGenius team, I emerged from my trip much better off than when I started. Overcoming the challenges I faced abroad increased my self-confidence, helped me to develop a stronger awareness of my own personal identity, and enabled me to develop a profound awareness of my personal preferences as well as my personal privileges. Each challenge during my six weeks became a stepping stone for growth, both personally and professionally.

From the colourful chaos of the Jaipur Literature Festival to the spiritual immersion in Hindu temples, every experience whilst in India contributed to my eventual love and admiration for the country – and all the diversity, culture, innovation, and community that encompasses it. A visit to the Sheroes café in Agra, run by female acid attack survivors, is a perfect example of what it means to be Indian – resilience, strength, and the potential for beauty to emerge from adversity. I have never met people so joyful, so wonderful, and so in love with life. I remember watching in admiration as they danced without a worry in the world, full of laughter, fun, and carelessness. I knew then that I had a lot to learn from them, in terms of resiliency through difficult times; something I would need to remember in my future career as a Social Worker.

My time in India was truly interwoven with incredible experiences and cherished moments that I’ll be sure to hold dear for the rest of my life. The genuine curiosity of Indian people, their profound humour, passion, kindness, and hospitality – even their absolute love for New Zealand cricket — showcased the universal language of joy and the profound impact of human connection, even for those in the face of adversity. These unique glimpses into life in India and into Indian society have served as crucial travel highlights, serving as snapshots that I’ll be sure to fondly reflect on throughout the rest of my life. Absolute gratitude fills my heart for this once-in-a-lifetime, truly life-changing experience. It’s not just an expansion of horizons; it’s a vibrant addition to my worldviews and perceptions, forever altering how I perceive the world and my role within it.

Jaipur Literature Festival 2024; Jaipur.

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