Journeying through India: A Reflection

It’s been about a week since my return to New Zealand. Since my arrival, I think I’ve been asked “So, how was it!?!?!?!” about a hundred times. And every time someone asks me about my time in India, a huge smile comes to my face, and I gush about how amazing it was and how much I loved it and how I want to go back one day. I never feel like my words do the experience justice. But, as I sit here at my parents’ kitchen table, I am going to try to articulate this journey. 

Firstly, I don’t think I could come up with a better name for this programme than ‘Reimagining India’. It is precisely that; an opportunity to reimagine all the beliefs and ideas we have about the country of India. It was like unlocking a whole new library of stories. Every memory I hold of my time in India has been vibrant, enlightening, and transformative. India, with its kaleidoscope of cultures, traditions, and landscapes, offered me an experience unlike any other. From the bustling streets of Bengaluru to the serene Rishikesh at the foothills of the Himalayas , every step of the journey presented me with new perspectives and profound insights. The richness of Indian history and the diversity of its people was apparent in every aspect of life. 

One of the most impactful experiences during my time in India was the opportunity to engage with local communities. Whether it was visiting a rural school or having conversations with stall owners at the markets, I was humbled by the warmth and hospitality extended to me. These interactions challenged my preconceptions and deepened my understanding of the interconnectedness of humanity.

India’s spiritual heritage also left a profound impression on me. Visiting places like the Ganges River, Hampi and the Taj Mahal offered moments of awe and contemplation. Witnessing the devotion of people at temples and mosques sparked introspection and a renewed appreciation for the diversity of religious expression. Particularly coming from New Zealand where society is so secular, it was interesting to see the way religion influenced different facets of Indian culture. 

Ultimately, my time in India was a journey of self-discovery as much as it was an exploration of a vibrant and complex culture. It challenged me to step outside of my comfort zone, to embrace uncertainty, and to approach each experience with an open heart and mind.

As I return home, I carry with me not only memories and souvenirs but also a deeper sense of empathy, curiosity, and gratitude. India has left an indelible mark on my soul, reminding me of the beauty and interconnectedness of our world and inspiring me to continue seeking out new adventures and learning opportunities wherever they may lead. 

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