Embracing the Power of Human Connection: Lessons from India

As I reflect on the past six weeks, the power of human connection has been a key takeaway for me. From witnessing the genuine care displayed by strangers in India to immersing myself in community-driven initiatives, this journey has underscored the importance of human connection, compassion, growth, and reflection on a global scale. 

Throughout this journey, I’ve had the privilege of engaging with inspirational community-led initiatives that exemplify the essence of human connection and compassionate innovation. Encounters with organisations like Jaipur Foot and Manavasadhna Community Centre have not only enriched my personal growth but also instilled in me a sense of belonging to something greater than myself. 

Visit to Jaipur Foot

Jaipur Foot worker crafting prosthetic limbs

Coming to India as someone who studies population health, I came seeking a greater understanding of other cultural approaches to healthcare, and I never could have imagined how inspired I would become by organisations such as Jaipur Foot. Jaipur Foot stands out as a beacon of compassionate healthcare innovation. Their provision of custom-crafted prosthetic limbs offered free of charge and without the need for appointments, is a testament to their commitment to serving individuals from diverse backgrounds. Witnessing firsthand the profound impact of Jaipur Foot’s work in restoring mobility and facilitating societal reintegration has left me feeling beyond inspired. During our visit to Jaipur Foot, I was in awe the entire time at how people we met there had such an increase in their quality of life and could run, jump, and climb trees easily! I believe we can learn a lot from organisations like Jaipur Foot and how they combine modern science with compassionate innovation, and human connection beyond any barriers of religion or culture in healthcare. I look forward to connecting further with Jaipur Foot and learning from this organisation to apply positive change within the healthcare system and communities in New Zealand.

Visit to Manavasadhna Community Centre

Playing with kids at Manavasadhna Community Centre after serving them lunch

Visiting the Manavasadhna Community Centre was a transformative experience that changed my life. Inspired by Mahatma Gandhi’s ethos of “love all, serve all”, the centre embodies selflessness and compassion in action. Through various initiatives spanning health, holistic education, disaster relief, and nutrition, Manavasadhna empowers underprivileged communities and fosters meaningful change. We had the pleasure of visiting one of their six community centres where they educate school children and help build up communities. During our visit, we served meals to school children and performed our Bollywood dance to them. Visiting organisations like this truly put things into perspective, and I believe we can learn a lot from organisations like this that utilise their resources efficiently to impact people’s lives on a mass scale. On a personal level, I reflected on how organisations like this exist in New Zealand and how I would like to be a part of communities like this in my own backyard alongside groups like this on an international scale. 

As I return home, the lessons gleaned from my time in India remain etched in my heart. The cultural richness, plurality of religions, widespread diversity, spirit of innovation and human connection I encountered have broadened my perspective and fueled a newfound commitment to fostering stronger connections between New Zealand and India. I am inspired to pursue a career path aligned with my values, one that prioritises service to others and embraces the ethos of “love all, serve all”. In essence, this journey has reinforced the profound significance of stepping out of my comfort zone, embracing cultural diversity, and fostering human connection on individual, communal, and international levels. Armed with these invaluable insights, I am eager to embark on a path of meaningful engagement and positive change, both in my personal journey and in shaping the world around me.

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