It’s Not Goodbye, but See You Later

Welcome to my third and final post for my semester abroad at Keio University!

Reflecting on the past year of my exchange program, split between Seoul National University (SNU) and Keio University, it definitely feels like recounting a journey of personal evolution. This experience has outstretched the boundaries of my comfort zone, introduced me to a mosaic of cultures, and helped me feel a tremendous sense of growth.

Am I ready to come home, or do I want to stay in these countries forever? It’s a complex feeling. A part of me yearns for the familiarity of home, yet another part wishes to linger in these lands that have become a second home. From my professors to the most amazing friends I’ve met along the way, every one of them shared invaluable lessons I’ll never forget. My friends at SNU taught me the power of resilience and the importance of community, whilst my friends in Japan introduced me to the concept of “ikigai” – finding one’s purpose. Throughout my five months in Japan, I realised the importance of discovering my life’s purpose. I didn’t want to make this too cheesy of a post. Still, I wanted to point out that this realisation has steered me toward a fulfilling existence by putting my passions and talents together with societal contributions and the pursuit of financial independence. It’s definitely aligned my personal goals with the ability to support myself financially.

Another HUGE realisation is the understanding of stepping out of my comfort zone and how it’s not just beneficial but essential for growth. During my 19 years in New Zealand, I was comfortably nestled in my familiar environment surrounded by the known. However, during my exchange, I found myself in situations where I had to push my boundaries, challenging me in ways I hadn’t anticipated.

From the practicalities of setting up a new life in a foreign country, such as making my bank account and organising a phone plan, to navigating daily tasks that were once straightforward back home, all were an exercise in humility and patience. Cancelling my insurance required a level of patience, and even the most straightforward task of packing my parcel became a logistics lesson. Doing my own laundry has also taught me to manage my household chores independently. Beyond these, I also ventured into cooking meals, using public transport to explore places beyond the typical “tourist trails”, and even seeking medical help in a non-English speaking healthcare system. While seemingly mundane, each of these experiences pushed me to become more self-reliant, adaptive, and open to learning from every new angle.

If I were to encapsulate my exchange experience in one moment, it would be my first solo trip to Osaka, Japan’s second-largest city. Visiting the iconic Osaka Castle, asking a stranger to take photos of me at the bustling Dotonbori, and enjoying the authentic taste of takoyaki epitomised my journey’s essence. These solo endeavours, from navigating the historical sites to engaging with locals and diving into the culinary delights, instilled a profound sense of strength and bravery in me. Despite my challenges, these experiences reaffirmed my resilience and left me feeling empowered and more confident in my ability to thrive outside my comfort zone.

I also had the unique opportunity to celebrate my 20th birthday in Japan, marking my Hatachi – a coming-of-age celebration. I got to wear a traditional kimono and joined others who had also turned 20 in Yokohama State for the festivities. I had always dreamed of making my 20th birthday memorable, but this experience exceeded all my expectations, which added an extra layer of splendour to my exchange journey.

Returning home, I aim to bring back lessons of empathy and adaptability. I have much to share with my professors and friends back in Auckland. Nearing this writing, I lean more towards excitement in returning home as I look forward to sharing these stories with my loved ones. This exchange was not just about academic growth but also about personal transformation. 2023 has ignited my curiosity for the world, and I believe it’s the beginning of what I hope will be many more adventures abroad. Through this journey, I’ve learned the importance of open-mindedness, the value of self-discovery, and the beauty of embracing change. I’ve become more adaptable, confident, and globally minded. It’s an experience I’ll carry with me, influencing my future endeavours and how I engage with the world around me.

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