Whenua Whakaora


Oi famìlia!
Como vai você?

Today we were blessed to enter a sacred space historically reserved for the quilombo who would play capoeira in training to escape the chains of their masters.

Displaced from their homelands and chained with the weights of their captors, the cord to their homelands severed by the hands of the white. 

The beating heart of the drum and energy-harvesting bidem bow feeds the players.
Master and jedi move with the flow of the energy, disguising their escape under the chants of their brothers and sisters in the sugar cane field.

On arriving in the centre of the rain forest hidden from the world, we are met by a water wheel, a legacy of the 19th-century sugar and alcohol mill.  The village now produces flour and beautifully handcrafted taonga for those who visit to treasure. It is humid here, and the air is filled with sounds of nature and the awa (river) nearby

I am in awe of the strength of your people and the way you live with nature. You don’t just take from the land but give back, moving the energy back and forward, keeping each other nourished.

I walk barefoot through the rainforest to be one with the whenua that the Quilombos have made home, through the canopies that acted as a korowai over the escaped slaves. Dipping in the flowing waters, I am reminded of the struggles the ancestors of the people have gone through. The tribe welcome me with songs, dance, kai and stories. I wonder if they, too, suffer intergenerational trauma. This is a land of healing, a land of hope.

Mucho Obrigada Quilombo da Fazenda.
você tem meu coração
(you have my heart)

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