
It’s been a week since we left Santiago, and I’ve felt many different emotions. You would assume a week is enough time to process one’s feelings and return to everyday life, but it is not. I’m feeling blessed, joyful,  sad, and overwhelmed, all conflicting emotions to bundle together. I remember writing in my first blog post that our first week in Chile felt like one of the longest weeks of my life. Looking back on that first entry, little did I know that it would be all over so soon. Those four weeks flew by so fast it’s almost like I blinked, and we were back on a plane heading home. 

It has been so hard to articulate how much of an impact this trip has had on me. Looking back on this trip, I realise it was incredible and life-changing. One month later, I already feel like a different person. 

This trip has made me realise so many things, from the beauty of connecting with others despite language barriers. To feel another person’s presence, energy, and vibe, and to feel love and give love without using words. I’ve been privileged to be in spaces and have conversations I never thought possible. From going behind the scenes at hospitals, meeting with important people and visiting indigenous Rukas, this truly has been an eye-opening experience for me. 

My knowledge has been expanded in unexpected ways, and I’ve returned feeling this desire and hunger to learn more. There is so much I don’t know, and this trip revealed that to me. Not only did I learn from the people in Chile, but I learned from those around me; the family of friends that I have created from this experience is unbreakable. I never thought I would feel so strongly about being so proud to be a Kiwi and come from Aotearoa. It was truly a privilege to be able to represent our little part of the world with pride in Chile; I will forever be grateful for this experience. 



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